HELLO THERE !PulkitBanta

Hi 👋, I'm
Pulkit Bantaa developeran enthusiasta programmer

Want to build or discuss something?

< Projects />

Tools and apps created by me for learning and having fun :)


ReNews is built on top of Hacker news which fetches top 30 news for the day. By easily marking a news as favorite you can come back to it later.

PS: This was made over a weekend

May, 2020

Dev Blogg

A full stack web application in which multiple users can write and share blogs with each other. It has three color modes (dark, light and reading) which helps in different scenarios.

PS: This was my first big project with Angular

Oct, 2020

React component template

An extension created for vscode which helps you to create opinionated react components with styling (css-in-jsx), test and types file included.

PS: This increased team productivity by automating the component structure with a command

Jan, 2022

Fast weather

A simple webapp for checking the weather in your area, input your city name and get the weather result in seconds.

PS: This was my first project with React.

Jan, 2021

< Work Experience 👷‍♂️ />


Oct, 2022 - PresentFront-end Developer

Building UI for FunnelStory, go check out the website at https://funnelstory.ai

  • Implementing <Cool /> features to help you understand your customers easily 😉


Apr 2021 - Oct 2022Front-end Developer

Created Khora Healthcare app and maintained internal tools

  • Lead UI development of the product with a team of two and created MVP features within 8 months with unit testing
  • Contributed to open source react component library Medly-components
  • Implemented file upload and listing of uploaded files with AWS S3
  • Implemented Nested tabs layout to view information on a single page with route & query param state management so that sharing views is easy


Apr 2021 - Oct 2022Intern Front-end Developer

Enhanced internal tools with various integrations

  • Implemented auth with GitHub Auth to onboard the developers easily
  • Implemented the integration of AWS Cloudwatch logs with a polling of 10 sec to show the result of deployment
  • Upgraded the UI and UX of the application making it easy to use

Acquest Solutions

Jan, 2021 - April-2021Intern Front-end Developer

Developed new features for a school management website while also improving the codebase

  • Lead a team of two developers on the UI and taught best practices
  • Created dynamic Angular forms which can be used to create an online assignment
  • Created modules for multiple assignments which can then be assigned to students as required

Made with ❤️ by Pulkit Banta